Wednesday 24 December 2003

My germs are still thriving. My head is still full of nasty stuff. I'll not be home over xmas, so I'll say happy christmas and good will to whatever before I forget. To quote an Eels song, everything's gonna be cool this christmas.  And I thought I'd be feeling better this morning. While I was asleep, someone seems to have sneaked into my house, hit my head with something very heavy and filled it with concentrated washing-up liquid.

I so badly want to go back to bed and die.

Monday 22 December 2003

My head is full of snot. It hurts. I'm sure it's going to explode. I'm going to bed.

Saturday 20 December 2003

Hell, I was more than a bit drunk last night. Had my work xmas 'do' so we were out from lunchtime. I had a great time, though, despite the fact that it was impossible to go into a bar without bumping into bloody civil servants. It was good to see people I've known for years, have a laugh with the new people I work with and bump into a couple of old mates. And, fortunately, a lie-in has prevented any nasty after-effects. On a very slightly negative point, however, I'm beginning to wonder whether I've an effect on women ... that is, making them throw up in Metro station bins.

Friday 19 December 2003

Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I just woke up. I was supposed to be at work an hour ago.

Thursday 18 December 2003

Arse. I've just done something really mean to a good mate. And, to make matters worse, it was all for nothing. I broke the stick-thing that opens and closes my kitchen blind a few months ago ... well, maybe a year or two ago. And taking up someone's suggestion, I decided to improvise using a piece of wood. I was lucky enough to find a little hook to screw in one end; great, everything was going well. But, then the hook snapped as I was screwing it in. It was the only one I had so I knew I'd need to resort to further improvisation. After searching for quite a while around the house I located a possible candidate ... unfortunately, it was one of a pair holding the bird's latter to the side of his cage. I say 'was', because I gave into temptation and borrowed one. Yes, I did feel bad. Particularly when he hissed at me. And I felt even worse when he sat on his cuttlefish, looking at the ladder which now leans to one side. Anyway, as I was screwing the hook into the wood, it snapped. Again. I couldn't be so mean as to take the last hook from his ladder so had to resorted to taking the stick from the bathroom blind. The kitchen blind, while looking a little odd, now opens and closes again. Now, I just need to find a hook with which to repair bird's ladder. And I don't really use the bathroom blind anyway.

Wednesday 17 December 2003

I had another entertaining Metro ride tonight. An old man, who must have been at least 80, was singing away to a very confused young child ... Ay-ay-ay-ay-aym dreey-eey-eey-ming of a why-ay-ay-ay-ay-ayt ... You just had to hear it to appreciate it.

Apparently, well according to the latest piece of junk mail I've received, I can enjoy multiple orgasms, becoming a human volcano 'filled to the brim with intense, ever-flowing sexual energy that continues gushing hour after hour and all night long!' Ah, but there's a catch ... I need to take pills made from 'Wapiti Elk extract'. What on earth did the poor elk do to deserve that?
After picking up a last minute xmas present, on my way home today on the Metro, as the train was pulling out of Jesmond station, I heard a kid shout (in a very Geordie accent), Quick man, Mohammed, get on the fucking Metro.

Wednesday 17 December 2003

Why is it that:

a) a duvet isn't square and your feet freeze when it's the wrong way round;

b) a clock radio can change the station from Metro to Radio One of its own accord;

c) a shirt that appears to be crisply ironed at 1:00am is in reality a mess at 7:00am?

Tuesday 16 December 2003

Ugh ... there's just something really special about cold December mornings. I'd only just switched off the alarm (which woke me up to the White Stripes' song that I'd listened to a couple of times last night before going to bed) and decided to have a lie-in, when I realised that I couldn't because I've a meeting this morning and I've done no preparation whatsoever for it. So, I didn't get my lie-in.

Anyway, apart from that, today feels as though it's going to be a good one. I'm not exactly sure why; it just does. Maybe it's because yesterday was good. Yesterday morning, I bumped into the old man with the dog that I used to see most mornings. I'd wondered why I'd not seen much of either of them lately and had assumed that one of them wasn't well. It's a lot simpler and nicer than that, though, since the old man (or perhaps his dog) had changed their morning route slightly because he (or they) was bored with the old one. We had a nice conversation about nothing in particular and I was late for work ... but that didn't matter at all.

My day at work ended a little strangely too; it was dark when I left and, as I ran across the road to avoid a car I'd not noticed, I almost collided with a girl (who was walking a dog, funnily enough). Neither of us had seen each other in the dark, which was a little worrying since she was carrying a huge flashlight; I yelled 'fuck' and she shouted something along the lines of 'Waaaahhhh', then we laughed and continued on our separate ways.

Monday 15 December 2003

It's been a busy time lately; work's been hectic and I never seem to have a lot of time to do much on an evening. Somehow, though, everything seems to get done after a fashion so I'm not complaining. My mind's been over-occupied of late; with work (good and bad), personal life (good) and family (good in general, although I'm worried about someone who's ill), but I'm happy right now. I've spent the entire evening wrapping xmas presents; I was determined to finish the lot, so at least that's done now. I'd forgotten how tiring it can be though ... my back aches. Saying that, it was good to do something that didn't hurt my brain and any night with Lisa Germano playing loudly is a good one. Well, it's late and my second cup of coffee's almost gone, so I'm off to bed now.

Wednesday 10 December 2003

Today was another long one ... didn't get away from work until 7:30. Spending a full day in workshops doesn't help; it's almost impossible to keep up with e-mail, let alone anything else. But that's not important at the moment because I've a day off tomorrow.  I'm so fucking happy right now.

Friday 5 December 2003

I put up my xmas tree last night; the tree looks terrible, but the fairy's looking good in spite of her advancing years. However, I've been told that her wand (which is no longer intact) makes her look like Errol Flynn with a sword.

Monday 1 December 2003

I'm now (barely) warm and dried out after my xmas shopping trip. Newcastle, although I love the place usually, was cold, wet and crowded. I arrived there later than I'd intended, since I made the mistake of calling home first, so at least it was a relatively short experience. I didn't buy a lot, but I did get some big ones out of the way. I'm bloody hungry now, though ... this shopping business is certainly hard work.

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