Tuesday 30 May 2006 00:00

After a delay of several years, and after a lot of made-up excuses, I've finally started scanning old photos. Well, I did start three or four years ago, but a hard drive failure put an end to it. It's amazing that a picture can bring back a whole heap of memories. For example, I can remember exactly where this one was taken and how I couldn't stop laughing while watching the kids falling asleep on a bus. Sigh ... it feels like only yesterday.

However, I cringe whenever I think of this one.

Yes, those glasses were fashionable at the time. Really. As were the curtains. 

Tuesday 23 May 2006 00:18

This is Ian's car in the dark. He passed his test today.

Well done Ian (now I have a chauffeur to see Eels in Glasgow next month).

Oh ... and we (well, there were five of us) came second (yes, that's second) in the Three Tuns pub quiz. For someone accustomed to coming last (or second last), that's pretty good. I think.

Friday 19 May 2006 01:02

Went to see the Mosaics at the Three Tuns tonight. Well worth a listen to.

Wednesday 17 May 2006 17:17

A graffiti chain from the gents in the Union Rooms in Newcastle ...

Vote BNP

No Nazi state

The BNP care

(amended to) The BNP are scared shitless

ID cards are fascist. Can't you see?

Nazi filth and BNP criminal scum fear ID cards! During WWII every citizen carried one! I am 76 years of age and still have mine! We fought German Nazis then. We must fight British Nazis now. Crush the BNP and their hired thugs. They make me ashamed to be a white English Geordie.

BNP same as the tories = wankers


Nazis bombed Britain

Another couple of authors' work was illegible.

Sunday 14 May 2006 23:42

Under great duress, and suffering considerable mental anguish, I went to see Robin Trower last night. Peter seemed very happy.

Although a little embarassing.

Oh, and a picture of the old man himself playing a guitar ... even though he was clearly in great pain (arthritis I imagine).

Monday 8 May 2006 06:57

After an entire weekend spent removing rubble from the garden (most of it was buried), I'm wrecked. It's hard to imagine the scale of the legacy of the old man (I'm sure he existed) who spent most of his time in the shed during the 1940s, but this should help ...

Saturday 6 May 2006 08:51

I received a text from Peter last night, reminding me that we're going to see Robin Trower next weekend. I have to admit that I'd completely forgotten about it and really don't know why I relented to his repeated 'oh, go on's and said I'd go. I think I felt sorry for him because no one would go with him. I now have to bring myself to listen to the stuff I'd downloaded weeks ago. Lovely.

On a positive note, though, I'm going to see Lou Reed and Eels in June ... and there's Leeds festival in August.

Thursday 4 May 2006 23:40

A text I received earlier today from my spouse ... I just found a lighter in my knickers! Thought I'd lost it in the toilets but no been wandering around all day with a square lumpy bum. Took some fishing out too!

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