Saturday 29 December 2007 22:10

I've now almost totally switched over to Linux and my Asus eee. I only need to find a decent (and easy to use) blog program. Until something turns up I may be a little quiet. For a little while.

Wednesday 26 December 2007 00:30

Apparently it's Christmas. I don't remotely understand the whole religion thing, or the desire to eat dead birds, But I've had a nice day today. I'd intended saying more, but I've forgotten whatever I'd tried to remember. It probably wasn't important.

Shrek 2 was on TV earlier. It was cool to hear Eels' I need some sleep. And the Traveller's Rest and the Three Tuns were great this afternoon (and again tonight).

I'm off to bed now I think. There's so much to say, but at the end of the day I can't be arsed.

Night : )

Monday 17 December 2007 20:17

It's been pretty hectic lately. Between work and the bloody bedroom walls I've not had much spare time at all. The bedroom's getting there now though; I'm even getting used to the taste of plaster dust.

We went to Budapest the week before last, for our Christmas night out. It was good, but quite worrying in that I had very little memory of the last time I was there (only two and a bit years ago).

And now we're all ready for xmas. Well, almost. A bit.

A picture from the other week's trip:

Wednesday 5 December 2007 01:25

She's just a Charmer, oh no ... Kings of Leon ... they were rather good tonight.

Monday 3 December 2007 01:00

I'm typing this on my old Toshiba portege; a computer that until recently I thought was tiny. However, it now feels huge in comparison to my little asus eee. Ok, so I know there's a shortage right now, but do whatever you canto get your hands on one!

Saturday 1 December 2007 13:10

After receiving a Royal Mail Sorry we missed you card yesterday, I went to the sorting office this morning to collect the package. There used to be a sorting office in Low Fell, a few minutes walk away, but it moved to Team Valley a while ago. It's a pain to get to from here, so I wasn't too impressed to be told, I'm sorry, I know the card says you should call here after a day, but at this time of year it can take three or four days to be reach us. So why bother telling people to call in the next day?



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