Daily Archives: 29/07/2013


While in the Dun Cow (apparently it was originally called the Black Cow in the 1700s) the other night, I noticed a poster related to the current Foster’s marketing campaign; the one where they’re trying to make out that the muck they sell in the UK is the same product which was born in Australia in 1888.

Anyway, the poster’s theme is traditional pub games. There’s a link to download one such game to a smartphone. The link, at the bottom of the poster, will take you to a skittles game. The game being played in the poster is quoits.

Now, I do understand why the poster depicts a game of quoits. After all, it was incredibly popular in the 1800s, so does give the illusion of authenticity. But I can’t imagine many Foster’s drinkers having heard of such a game. In their shoes, I’d have released a skittles game too.

I’ve not downloaded it.


Cupboard of doom

Everyone has one. A cupboard of doom. Mine is was under the stairs in the kitchen and its doom-ish properties had evolved over a period of years. Originally, it held a fridge (the one that blew up a couple of years ago, tripping the power and turning the contents of the freezer to soup), a freezer and some power tools. Then, as is the norm, the contents grew to the point that the space was no longer accessible.

When decorating the kitchen recently, i couldn’t face the cupboard, so painted round it. If the light wasn’t turned on, you couldn’t see how badly in need of paint it was.

But, after my second in command pointed out that the cupboard could be put to a better use, I resolved to tackle it. It’s now freshly painted and contains only the fridge, freezer and the kitchen computer. I’m feeling quite proud of myself.

I’ve even thrown stuff out and the bin’s full to capacity. I probably need to do something about the potentially useful things I’ve rescued and crammed under the bed, but I’ll probably wait a while before I move them back into the cupboard.