Monthly Archives: March 2015

Internet explorer

So Internet Explorer has reached the end of its life. For many years, I’ve used it only at work, since there’ve been better alternatives pretty much since the browser arrived with Windows 95, almost two decades ago.

Personally, I’ve never liked the waste of screen space and the obvious security issues over the years. And, of course, the fact that Microsoft were trying to push their offering onto users.

Naturally, there’s to be a replacement. And I’m sure I’ll avoid that too. Unless I’m at work.

My old flat

A few weeks ago, one of the national newspapers ran an article on the cheapest and most expensive properties in the country. I was pretty sure that my old flat in Washington could be seen in one of the pictures (of the cheapest property in the UK), but the angle was strange and I couldn’t be certain.

There’s now a similar feature, restricted to the North. And my old flat’s definitely in the picture (the one at the top, on the left).

I still shiver when I recall my bedroom (the overhang, above the walkway). The lack of insulation, and the fact that the room was suspended in the (cold) air, meant that it was always freezing. Still, it was a nice place to cool off in the summer after a bike ride (which inevitably included carrying the bike up four flights of stairs when the lift was out of order).

The flats are really cheap, but there’s an horrendous monthly service charge. I was pretty happy in that flat though, and I do miss my uncomplicated time there.


From a square foot perspective, the bathroom’s been my longest ever decorating project. It’s a tiny room, but there’s hardly an inch that hasn’t changed. I do concede that my frequent lack of motivation has delayed things quite a lota little, and it’s important not to neglect one’s social calendar.

But it’s almost finished now.


iMessages & Apps

I’ve just turned-off iMessages so my phone can no longer send group messages. It’s probably the iPhone feature I’ll miss most when I move away from all things Apple. I use very few Apps right now, having been slowly deleting these over the past few months, mainly to see whether I could cope with a phone without such things.

I won’t deny that I’ll miss having an iPhone. And, if I don’t bond with the new phone (when it arrives), I’d not hesitate in buying another.

But, fingers crossed.


I have a great fondness for samosas. They’re so simple, but delicious. They’re currently featuring on BBC1’s Saturday Kitchen Live, including making the pastry from scratch.

However, I’m somewhat concerned by the statement It’s a traditional vegetarian recipe, but I’m using lamb.


I’ve just slept for 15 hours, quite possibly my longest sleep ever. Because I have a weird cold (that’s a cold, not flu) which, apart from the usual symptoms, has made me crave sleep. But, since sleeping’s quite a nice thing to do, this isn’t the worst virus to have.