The Station

Today, while escorting my second in command’s father to his train, I noticed something in Central Station. 

I’ve read about these, but hadn’t seen them before today. Just a few years ago, this would have been unimaginable in Newcastle. Hell, I remember being regarded as different in my early days of vegetarianism  seriously think that vegetarians/vegans will one day dominate the world. Naturally, anyone who resists will be fed to cats. And, speaking of which, I need to purchase a chair, a white long haired cat and a pair of black (faux) leather gloves. 

Also in Central Station, on the same theme, was a shop. 

Finally, while having a pre-second-in-command’s-dad-train Erdinger, I found that the Station Hotel  is likely to reopen soon. 

While only the facia has been retained, I’m looking forward to the reopening.