Daily Archives: 14/08/2016

My uncle Ed

I’m now in my local, having watched Liverpool beat Arsenal 4-3. There’s a band playing in the room next door. Roxy Musique. Which is a bit weird, since my uncle Ed went to school in Washington with Mr Ferry. 

My uncle Ed was a great bloke; wish I’d taken time to get to know him better. 


A couple of hours ago, while drilling a hole in the wall upstairs, with the window wide open, a wasp flew in and attacked me. Taking evasive action ( I jumped off the ladder and waved my arms about to fend off the creature), I narrowly escaped the monster (it was huge). 

Clutching the nearest weapon (shoe), I quickly transformed from victim to hunter. But the beast was nowhere to be seen. 

I resumed my drilling, then, while pushing cables through the wall, I heard buzzing. Looking down from the heights of my ladder, I saw the wasp in the clutches of a fearsome spider. My flailing had apparently knocked the wasp into a cobweb. 

Which is why dust, spiders and webs should be left alone.