Daily Archives: 09/08/2017


I’ve tried in vain to interest my second in command in history. Ideally, northern history, but I’d settle for a bit of East Midlands Ethelred. 

Fortunately, though, she has (this very evening) acknowledged ancient Roman/northern Britain. 

She does know that a man called Adrian built a wall.

It appears that my attempts to partially de-southernise my second in command may have failed on a collosive scale. 

Apparently, the athletics on TV were interesting this evening. 


After a meeting in Longbenton, with a metro back to town, I’ve just walked up Northumberland Street. 

Now, I do like Newcastle. It’s a small big city and a lot of the buildings are pretty attractive. Generally, it’s a nice place. 

However, most cities in the UK, most cities probably, have a nasty underbelly. Walking up Northumberland Street, I noticed a police car and van, parked close together. Then, on the opposite side of the street, I saw two policemen with a couple of classy gentlemen. They were both probably a lot younger than me, but looked as though years of heavy smoking and drinking, and god knows what else, had aged them prematurely. One was talking to the policemen and was quite animated. He was speaking loudly, but the increased volume didn’t seem to be helping the officers to understand him. The other gentleman appeared to be unwell, he was having problems with remaining upright. 

Within a short distance, two more officers were chatting with another gentleman. One officer must have been cold, he was wearing purple gloves. He seemed to be embracing the man, who also appeared to have a desire to lie down. 

And, now, I have arrived at my destination, the Town Mouse, where I can pass a little time with a very nice pint of beer. Almasty Pilsner on this occasion. 

Well, a man shouldn’t waste an early finish.