Category Archives: Work

Christmas shopping

Well, I’ve now officially started some Christmas shopping. Like I used to do years ago, I opted for the hell that is the Metrocentre, with the aim of picking up most things in one go. Naturally, that hasn’t happened and a return trip will be needed. Anyway, to ease the pain, I’m currently with a pint in Wetherspoons, before returning home. Which I would generally do years ago, too. More recently, though, I’d have a quick pint afterwards working in the van, which is a convenient ten minutes’ walk from here. While that would have been through August, and maybe a couple of days in early September, it feels like a matter of days, rather than months. Apart from the drop in temperature, of course. I should probably call-in to check the van, but the last couple of nights’ working in the pub have taken their toll and I feel really sleepy. After working through the night, I’ve found it difficult to sleep during the day. Still, my labour is starting to pay off.
And, apart from a couple of small finishing touches, the accommodation above the pub has worked out well.
I’m pretty happy with the end result, particularly since we have our first bookings.


I worked in a bar tonight. I probably didn’t do very well, but I coped better than I’d expected. I think I didn’t mess-up using the till and even managed to handle card payments. Most important, I think I gave people the right change. And drinks. I did, however, find bar tabs confusing. I shall return, though. I may not be a natural, but I want to do this.


While I had some really good jobs as a Civil Servant, I don’t regret leaving this place.

Also, despite enjoying my last role, I don’t miss my nearly twelve hour days spent here.

Or being the last person to leave the office.


On pouring myself a large Gin (to ensure I sleep before my dental hospital appointment tomorrow morning, I noticed this.

I knew it would be there, since we only buy legitimate alcohol. Technically speaking, I’m still employed by this Department. For another few weeks, at least.

After two weeks’ leave, the fact that I shall no longer work (at least until I get bored) was in my mind as I woke up this morning.

It felt good.


My new work phone is an iPhone. Previously, I had a Blackberry. Said Blackberry was pretty shit, but it sort of worked. For work. The battery life was amazing, even after a few years. It was ugly, but bounced well in the pub.

Anyway, this is my new work phone.

It’s dark; yes. I’m in a pub. That’s OK because the phone is in a protective case (bought personally from eBay for two quid).

Note the Apple logo though. I’ve owned Apple phones in the past and the logo was, in my experience, distinctive but unobtrusive.

Unobtrusive as in seamless to the touch. Let’s focus on on that now.

Unfortunately, I find my my work phone irritating. Because the logo on its back has a definite ridge on one side.

I have an obvious theory (hypothesis, I guess, since this hasn’t been tested in a controlled environment), that HM Government is providing users with commercially rejected products. Hence the logo sharpness on my work phone.

This all reinforces my personal phone preference for Android.

While representing good value for the taxpayer.