Daily Archives: 21/02/2014


Just been talking to a man in the toilets in the Tuns. He has red eyes. I don’t mean the white bits. The middle. Creepy.


I took this picture a couple of weeks ago. I quite like it. Believe it or not, it’s not altered in any way, but exactly as it was taken. Really.


There were lights and stuff in the bar, and I did take a lot of rubbish pictures before this one, but I can claim this to be untouched (albeit fuzzy).


What on earth is the point of curling? There’s no way it’s a proper sport. I acknowledge my general lack of interest in pretty much any sport, but this particular activity is so silly. I mean, why?

Anyway, our wardrobe construction is now complete. I’ll admit that it seemed to take forever, fitting in the odd hour of two after work, but I’ve quite enjoyed it.
