
There has been a murder today. In fact, there have been several thousand murders today.

Of course, this hasn’t featured in today’s news for one simple reason. And that’s because I’m talking about animals rather than people.

It’s ok that animals are killed to fuel human greed. Apparently.

Greed. Because it’s not needed.

And cheaper? Because the NHS bill would be a lot lower if people didn’t eat corpses.

We have some pointy teeth. Yes, we do. And those teeth could tear through a dead creature? I don’t think so. We’re designed to eat what we can dig up (most common) or what we can catch. That doesn’t involve daily pink slime (processed food).

And, the important question, why don’t we eat dogs? Well, we do. But not in the west.

I’m sure that dogs taste just as nice as cows. And sheep. And rabbits (blurry line since they’re often pets). Oh, what about horses? Apparently they taste nice too, since no one noticed they were eating horse in their bovine products last year.

Last of all, people. Surely they taste nice too. We burn or bury them when they expire, so why not recycle them? Unappetising for people I accept, but we could recycle people for pet food. I mean, weren’t they designed to eat us?

I should stop. I could go on. But I’d offend people who eat other animals.

Fucking dirty.