Iron III

We have a new iron. I preferred the old one, though; it was lighter and a lot less complicated. However, there are similarities. Yes, the new one has a handle too, and a point at the front. But the new iron is mostly blue, in a retro 90s iMac kind of way. The combustable one also had an old iMac look about it, although it was purple. 

I wonder why this particular appliance would retain the semi-transparent 90s look while other devices have long since abandoned it. I may need to research the ironing market to establish whether our new iron is unique or whether an iron specific fashion now persists.

Another noteworthy point about our new iron is that it has a dual purpose. It seems that children may also amuse themselves with it. Yes, although it’s unsuitable for children under the age of eight. I suppose that younger children could face a risk of choking on small parts. 

This is, though, a huge design improvement. Our old iron, which also had a dual function (as a flamethrower), would not have been suitable for infants.