Meat is murder

It is. Fact. But I’ve literally just read these words and it reminded me of times long gone. I can’t remember exactly when, but it was in the very early 80s. Walking through a subway in central London, I noticed a Smith’s Meat is Murder sticker on the wall; on the right hand side, amongst the graffiti. You didn’t see that kind of thing in the North in those days.

I’ve never claimed to be a fan of the Smiths; well, of the flowers in the pocket era. And I’m not too keen on the man himself as a person (he’s mental and a bit of a nob, after all).

But, as a brand new vegetarian (who was looked on as something of an alien at the time. It was the Northeast, remember), it was a brilliant thing to see.

Having read what Mr Marr has said recently about the Meat is Murder album, and its influence on vegetarianism, it’s clear that the album had real impact, though.

And now I’m going into my fifth without dairy produce week. I’m finding it so easy (the restaurant we’ve booked for our works Christmas lunch has offered vegan options – that’s plural), not what I’d expected at all.

Anyway, I bought a cool shirt.
