Monthly Archives: August 2013


I can’t believe I just hid from someone I used to work with. I feel mean, but I couldn’t afford to lose an hour.

Cheviot House

Demolition of Cheviot House, in Washington, has begun. I’d never worked there, but knew a few people who had done. It was only built in the 80s and looked still to be in good condition, while the surrounding 1970s offices are looking rough.

I know it’s been empty for a while, but it still seems such a waste.

Swan & three cygnets

We’re currently in the Swan and three cygnets in Durham. Technically speaking, we’re not though, since we’re sat outside on the grass.

Important stuff now; it’s a Sam Smith’s pub and I have a bottle of chocolate stout. And a pint of extra stout. There was a bit of confusion when ordering at the bar.


Red Spider Mite

I’m sitting in the garden in the evening sunshine, after a pretty mental week at work. There’s a red spider mite running around on the table; for a while it looked as though it was on an endless circuit around the rim, but after three or four laps it discovered my beer.

They move pretty quickly, so you’ll have to look hard to spot the pinky blur in the picture.


It now seems to be running around the edge of the table again, in the opposite direction. Unless it has a twin of course.