Monthly Archives: November 2013

Crime in Gateshead

I’d not exactly describe Gateshead as a particular hotspot for crime. But then I came across this today.

Of course, it’s entirely possible that this was the scene of an accident.

Travel card

A little while back, the travel card I buy was re-branded. This resulted in a bigger card and a rubbish quality plastic cover which falls apart within a few weeks. The old one was fine, it fitted snugly into pockets and lasted months before succumbing to normal wear and tear.
When buying a new one today, it was nice to see a return to the tougher, old style cover. It’s still too big in my opinion, but it looks as though it might not disintegrate after a couple of weeks.



I fear I may have injured myself.

Somehow, for the second time in a few weeks, I managed to walk into a ladder.
But, despite my injury, I’m rather pleased that dismantling a pallet for kindling has left me with with the beginnings of a top for our new coffee table.

It just takes a little imagination.

Big Al

Big Al once broke a chair at a party. It was Peter’s housewarming (after divorce) party. And also the first time I’d met big Al.

Tonight was Al’s 50th. Upstairs in the Central. A decade and a bit later.

I had a pretty good time, with Mick and Mr R. And it was good to see Al, who is truly one of the nicest blokes ever. And I even bumped into a common acquaintance, a bloke I ‘d worked with on a project years ago.

Anyway, me, Mick and Peter.

Some time was spent discussing Peter’s shirt.