Monthly Archives: September 2014


For pretty much as long as I’ve lived in this house, I’ve had a theory about the boxed-in lump at the top of one of the bathroom walls; that it had been added to either:
a) as a vent from a bricked-up chimney; or
b) to disguise a reinforcing beam

I’d been hoping that the former was the case, since I could then remove it. But, on making a small hole, I found it’s true purpose. It disguises a rather large, unattractive pipe. So, sadly it must remain in place.



This evening has been quite pleasant. After a hassled week, I managed an early finish today. I met my second in command for much needed drinks in the Tuns. We didn’t stay out late, but that wasn’t necessary. All in all, a nice start to the weekend.

Out of control

Probably one of the most common reactions when someone encounters a vegetarian is, we’re designed to eat meat. Of course, there’s an element of truth in that statement. We’re designed to eat pretty much whatever we can get our hands on. But we’re not designed for what is now considered to be a ‘normal’ Western diet. And neither is the planet.