A pee in a bush and a bit of synchronicity

My second in command made a new friend in Erding today. A lady called Jieun. She’s from South Korea. And very nice too. 

So let’s talk synchronicity first. When I was last in Munich, with Lucy and Ian (Otherwise known as the only man in the world to have a ladybird poop on his shirt) I met a man from South Korea. A businessman. A very nice man. He gave me his email address, but I wrote it  down incorrectly. I hope he wasn’t offended that I never kept in touch. I tried. 

Today was also largely about a beer I developed a taste for a dozen years ago. Erdinger. My second in command and I ventured to Erding  today. We’d booked a brewery tour at the Erdinger brewery. We met the tour outside the fan club , after buying stuff we don’t need. 

Well, maybe we do. We can drink our Erdinger in the garden this sumner, from the proper glasses. 

Anyway, the tour was amazing. At only €15, you get a beer while you watch a film to give you some background information. Followed by a walk through the whole process. 

While they produce 200k plus bottles a a day, the process still takes a month. The place is huge, I mean huge.

No fish are involved in the process. None at all. Which is good since the brewery tour ends in pretzels and sausages and (lots of) beer. The pretzels were very nice, with some pretty heavy duty mustard. I did decline the white, floppy penis-like sausages though. 

Anyway, we, with a group of gentlemen from Nottingham (and my second in command’s new friend), left long after the tour had ended. The brewery called us a cab to the station, where we had two minutes to wait for the train to leave. 

Unfortunately, my bladder required me to pee before the S-bahn to Munich. Which meant that I needed to find a bush near the station. I’d barely started to pee before people started to shout that the train was about to leave. 

So I had around six pints of fresh beer, which meant my S-bahn limit wasn’t great. We’d aimed fot Munich hbf, but I couldn’t quite make it, so alighted at Marienplatz. Where, soon after, we found a nice (local) bar, where we seemed to be accepted. Franziskaner (from a drawer under the bar).

We enjoyed the brewery tour very much. A video of bottles of beer. Many bottles.