Category Archives: Old

George Gently

While feeling tired after a shift a few days ago, and not wanting to put any real effort to find something on TV, I defaulted to Netflix.

I randomly picked George Gently, about which I knew absolutely nothing, it having passed me by when it was aired on whatever channel it was aired.

I’d not previously known that the series was set in the Northeast, in the 60s. It’s not particularly good, or indeed bad, but I’ve continued to watch now and then because it’s easy viewing. And, perhaps, there’s the northern nostalgia.

It must be pretty difficult creating 1960s scenes sixty years after the fact.

Here’s an example. From memory, plastic drainpipes didn’t exist in 1964; at least not in the Northeast. And those boxed-in external meter cupboards didn’t start appearing until the 70s. The house door’s not very clear in the picture, but I’m pretty sure that’s an 80-90s door. I could be wrong.

And now an Italian army surplus jacket from the 80s. They were quite fashionable, being more modern than most surplus in the 80s.


When you know your time has passed.

When you had a 40 year career and played it safe, even though the last decade and a bit was pretty exciting.

When you embarked on something new (after a brief something new that didn’t work out).

And then found/made something pretty cool. But, then you’re too old to take it to its full potential.

It’s a bit shit really. And good at the same time.

I’m probably good for a couple of years, so let’s see where this goes.