Monthly Archives: January 2014

E, beards and buses

Well, I’ve finished painting my T-shirt. And I’ve decided it’s too big.

XL shirts seem to have been getting smaller over the past few years. I’m not a small bloke, but I’m not extra large. But in recent years I’ve found that Large shirts have become so small I can’t attempt to wear them. So, while gaining only a small amount of weight around my middle, I’m now extra large.

My recent blank shirt purchase, however, has led to an important discovery. Proper sized shirts. So, although my newly painted shirt is too big, I have the satisfaction of dropping a shirt size without any attempt to reduce my middle region. I may have accidentally discovered the ideal diet.


While on the subject of Eels (it’s a line from an Eels song), have you noticed how fashionable beards are becoming? You can hardly go anywhere now without encountering an E (Eels front man) clone. In fact, while at the bus stop this morning, I saw one on the number 56.



Work’s been mad again lately, ridiculously busy the past couple of months and likely to be so for at least the next few weeks.

I’ve started to make some time for other things I need to get done though. For example, our

new wardrobes.



You have to use a bit of imagination, but we’re making progress. More wood was needed so a trip to Wickes after work yesterday was necessary. This involved the discovery that 2.4M lengths of wood will fit into a Ford KA. Without bits sticking out of the boot or windows.


Oh, I’m also painting a new T-shirt. It has an Eels theme.




Would you take me where you’re going if you’re never coming back? Watching old Eels stuff on YouTube.

Fly away …


A friend of mine grows his very own brambles. Watching the old Elbow-BBC Philharmonic thing on YouTube. First time in ages and first time I’ve watched the whole thing in one go.

Rare find

Just over a year ago, I took down my jukebox speakers when replastering the living room. A couple of months ago, I decided I’d delayed putting them back long enough and dug out my drill. Which was quite dead. After a further delay and the acquisition of a new drill, the speakers were returned to the wall.

And, of course, the jukebox wouldn’t work. Before taking down the speakers it’d worked perfectly, so I couldn’t understand its failure. The CDs would attempt to play, then stop. The LED display showed er 61 which wasn’t exactly helpful since I don’t possess a manual.

According to the Internet, I simply needed to clean the CD drive lens. But that didn’t do anything. The next most likely cause of the problem was the CD unit itself. So I set about trying to find one.

At first I wasn’t very successful, although I could send the unit to the US for repair for only $130 plus postage. But after only a few days, a couple appeared on eBay. New units too, cheaper than a repair.


Now all I have to do is figure out how to fit it.


I need to start carrying a usb lead around with me. The number 56 bus now has plug sockets.


And, completely unrelated, a most delicious mushroom ‘burger’ from Lady Grey’s. Erdinger on draught too. Both were consumed on Saturday.


Classic films

While browsing SciFi content on Netflix, I’ve come across a whole range of rather excellent classic films. Well, I’m sure they were.

Apparently, in 1958, Mars looked like this (with visitors from Earth).



And the inhabitants were large bat-faced creatures with spider legs.
