Monthly Archives: November 2015

Skinny Molly

I’m not the biggest fan of southern rock. I need to say that right away.

But my second in command might be. So we went to our local to see Skinny Molly. Who were pretty amazing.

My second in command thought so too; a late evening for a breakfast chef is a rare thing, so staying until the end was something of a surprise.

A couple of really shaky phone pictures.



And finished

A little stove rope, some fire cement and a coat of paint; all finished.



The stove’s bigger than it looks, possibly more than we need for the room, since it’s an 8 or 9kw. But it’s legal in a smokeless zone.

I need to start thinking about the next project now.

Sad Elvis

Stuff tends to pass me by, but is it close to the anniversary of Elvis’ death?

I only mention this because Priscilla Presley seems to be on every UK TV chat show lately. And I only mention her because she’s had pretty shocking cosmetic surgery.


Ye Olde Blue Bell

Continuing on from a few days with stops in Samuel Smith’s pubs, I felt compelled to visit Ye Olde Blue Bell after a work trip to Preston.

I only had time for a pint of stout before having to catch a train, but it was a most welcome break.

And, naturally, the train is delayed, so I could’ve had a second.