Monthly Archives: October 2018

Marley’s ghost

We also visited Kingston today. Where we went to the Bob Marley museum.

There’s just the one picture, because cameras weren’t allowed inside. But it was worth going. Essentially, it’s a Georgian house, largely as it was intended, apart from the 70s recording studio.

The shot room was a little strange, though. Best look it up.

I did learn something new about the bloke. He was a vegan. Which makes him cool. Forget the music, he was a vegan.

Coffee II

This is coffee.

Blue Mountain coffee. Apparently, Jamaica imports tons of instant coffee, because the good stuff is exported.


We climbed a mountain today. A blue one, which didn’t look at all blue. And we learned that everything we (thought we) knew about coffee was completely wrong.

The coffee was nice though, as were the views.

The picture above was actually looking down onto a pretty scary road which zig-zagged up the mountain.

Five decades

This is my second visit to Jamaica. I was last here fifty years ago. Admittedly, my last visit was limited to less than a couple of days in Kingston.

I remember little from that visit, although I clearly recall being given a stick of chewing gum (Wrigley’s Juicy Fruit) by a beautiful young lady who was standing in a doorway. Many years later, on remembering the occasion with an adult mind, I realised she was prostitute.

Anyway, while we’ll be visiting Kingston, our temporary home is a beach resort.

A beach resort with poor Wi-Fi. Which is probably why we were unsuccessful in this morning’s Glastonbury ticket sale.

Anyway, this is our house for a little while.