Category Archives: Health


From the end of the week, I’ll no longer be able to refer to my second in command as Stumpy. Her cast’s been off a couple of weeks now and the special broken foot shoe should be gone on Friday.

Care is being taken not to break anything else.


The NHS is pretty good you know. We pay a bit of money every month (or other payday) and we get a decent standard of healthcare. Hopefully, most of us won’t have a lot of interaction with the UK health system until something breaks or we get a bit creaky.

My second in command broke stuff before Christmas. She had a week and a bit in a temporary cast, had two x-rays and a scan, then a new (smaller) cast.

Yesterday, she went to her (hopefully) final appointment at the fracture clinic (at the hospital at the top of our street), to have her cast removed. Only to be informed that her appointment was the previous day.

So, since the fracture clinic is a weekly, Wednesday, thing, there’s an additional week in plaster. My broken partner has been a little evil following her experience of yesterday, although I can appreciate why she may not exactly be happy with the current situation. And I mean evil.


A broken significant other, combined with a cold spell, has led to a noticeable increase in our firewood consumption My working hours haven’t accommodated a firewood delivery, so Lidl’s stock of logs has been most welcome. And at only £3.29 a bag, they’re great value. We’ve bought three this week.


Recently, my second in command has been experimenting with transport.


She was quite impressed with the stop button on buses, which emits a siren-like noise. Today, we visited our local hospital, where my second in command’s foot was scanned. We only need to wait 10-14 days for the results.


We’re hoping that’s some form of expectation management and that we’ll soon have an outcome. After our disappointment, we went, by wheelchair to our local.


Where people made a special romantic table for us.


And then there was a £1.60 cab home (with a massive tip).


Yesterday, my second in command had her first real excursion following her injury. We took a bus to the Central, where we seemed to be the only customers.



After a couple of beers and something to eat, we returned home to make pies. Mushroom and beer (Innes & Gunn original).

Now that she’s getting the hang of crutches, we’re considering venturing out again today.

Christmas aches

I ache a lot. Mostly my calf muscles and the top of my arms/shoulders. Pushing my second in command around in a wheelchair has been a tiring experience.

I’m not actually complaining; she’d do the same for me if I were to be similarly damaged.

Still, she looks kind of cute in crutches.



Fixed … and broken

I finally got around to replacing the broken bathroom light fitting, so our bathroom now has light again.

Unfortunately, it appears that, when something is fixed, something else must break. My second in command’s foot, for example.

She has a brand new cast on her foot and crutches.


I may have pain. I mean real pain. I may have a broken leg. And fingers. And head.

After a rather pleasant evening, ending for the second night in our local, I sat, once home, on the back of the Sofa in the kitchen. Then, for some reason, leaned back.

My second in command was amused to see my legs fly over my head on my way down to the floor. Regrettably, our cast iron table wasn’t the best of cushions.

Fortunately, I have a bottle of Sam Smith’s oatmeal stout to ease my pain.