Monthly Archives: September 2015


When I moved here, there was a tree at the bottom of the garden, struggling to survive on the boundary between the garden and a neighbour’s. It was being slowly strangled by a mass of Russian vine (which, although removed years ago, still surfaces every now and again).

It’s now fully recovered though.


Deep Red

Or, in Italian, Profondo Rosso. A 1970s Italian horror film and also the name of a band from the 90s. My mate Karl was their drummer. They split up and reformed a couple of times, but haven’t played in together in years. They almost made it too, with a couple of albums and tours in Japan.

A reunion gig planned for next month prompted me to listen to their stuff in advance, so I had a look on Amazon to see if either album can still be purchased. I was surprised to find several copies of to live and die in the UK, for around eight quid. There was also a used copy for a penny (a whole pound including postage), so I opted for that one. However, I may tell Karl that I paid eight.


Karl’s the one in the middle, although he looks a little older nowadays. Well, it was almost two decades ago.


Apples & pears

These grew in our garden.


There would have been a lot more if I’d included the ones that creatures have begun to eat.


The kitchen is shaping up pretty well.




I should probably do something with the fireplace though.


I feel the need to say that I seriously believe that the UK should become a republic. Although I do appreciate that a single, joined-up republic couldn’t happen.

Not here. Which is a shame.


I had a relaxing bath this evening. With the radio playing and a candle lit. It was all rather nice.


Well, the light switch is broken.


The old kitchen table, originally salvaged from my daughter’s garden a decade or so ago, has reached the end of its natural, second, life.


To be replaced by a more practical, smaller new table.


Early morning

Since public transport isn’t great at this time of day (6:30 train), and as it’s quite mild outside, I walked into town this morning.

Walking over the high level bridge, I could see my second in command’s new workplace. It doesn’t really work in a picture though.
