Monthly Archives: January 2017


I almost forgot about Mono. I feel pretty bad about that; after all, it’s a fully vegan bar. The food’s great and none of the beer contains fish. 

They even have Sam Smith’s stout on draught. 

We ate there yesterday and the pizza was gorgeous. They even allow bike parking on the stage.


I can’t believe it, A Streetcar Called Desire  is on the telly. Sadly, my second in command, who has now passed out, hadn’t recognised Messrs Brando, Malden et al. 

I may need to see this through to the end. I have M&S beer left over from the train. And Doritos. 

I have to say that I love this city (Glasgow). Today, we’ve visited most of some of my most favourite bars, including Sloans, Mono and the 13th Note. 

We didn’t just have beer though. No, we bought more stuff we don’t really need. But we’ll not talk about that here. 

Anyway, because I’ve had a moderate (my doctor may not agree) amount of beer, I should focus on the rest of the film. Fortunately, I have more beer. 

Flooding II

What a waste of time and money. After only a couple of days, the quayside flood barriers are being taken down. 

White out

According to the Metro’s headline this morning, we have a white out. No, it’s just a little bit of snow. 

When I was a lad, I had to walk to school in neck deep snow. What’s happening to the country?


I live in the North. The proper north. We have bad weather on occasion; lesser Northerners may need to wear big coats when visiting. 

But, apparently, there’s a need to build (admittedly temporary) flood defences in town. 

Such an event may indicate that the North could be losing its resilience, its contra-southern-wussness. 

Or something more serious. This could be the kind of random freak event that happens once in a lifetime. But, of course, it isn’t once in a lifetime. 

So, perhaps, we need to think about the impact our mass consumption society is having on the planet. Alternatively, we could just pretend it isn’t happening. 

At the end of the day, I live on a big hill, so I’m ok.