Monthly Archives: May 2016

Mr Lydon

Along with many men of a certain age, Dave and I went to see Public Image Limited yesterday evening, at the Point, in Sunderland. All told, an excellent evening.





Blood pressure/wine

Currently 128/77. Red wine seems to be the answer. I could bottle it as a high blood pressure cure at twice the price. More if it works for low pressure too, but I’d need to test it. If anyone has low blood pressure, I can be contacted at ….


The space previously occupied by the (deceased) jukebox has been empty way too long. So I have begun to construct some shelves.


A picture of the finished project will follow.


In a controlled experiment (really), I’ve found a correlation between drinking wine and lowered blood pressure. I do recognise that correlation does not imply causality, but I’ve concluded that I need to continue drinking wine to further reduce my blood pressure.

Blood pressure

After last Saturday’s scare at my asthma check-up, my second in command has purchased a blood pressure device. I tested said device at various times yesterday, then again this morning. I decided that it would be wise to record my blood pressure at intervals before my appointment with my GP. Determined to avoid medication, I wanted to show that I have some form of white coat syndrome. I’ve also made some pretty severe dietary changes, even though I already had a decently healthy diet.

My first day’s readings are strange, varying quite madly at different times of day, from borderline mild hypertension to dead. I may have not used the device correctly for the latter. Thinking positively, my blood pressure isn’t (well, in one day) consistently excessively high.

I shall continue using the device, perhaps conducting a test involving beer.


While at university some time ago, I became friends with a couple of gentlemen. After graduation, we committed to regular reunions, both planned and opportunist. In this we were successful for several years, but one of our number was lost a while back (lost as in contact). Yesterday, involved a partial reunion of the more random kind, although we remain one man short.




I went for an asthma check this morning. It didn’t go very well. A change in inhaler was probably a good thing. But, then a random blood pressure check raised some eyebrows. I must admit that I’ve known that my lifestyle hasn’t been the best of late, for the past few years, but my 350 over 200 reading (I may have made that up) today really scared me. My usual ten minutes check-up turned into a major issue. I clearly failed the blood pressure thing, with an immediate blood test and a referral.

Since then, while awaiting results, I had a look on the Internet (I know that was stupid), finding that I need to:
1. Stop eating meat
2. Stop smoking
3. Drink less

I’m somewhat annoyed that I seem to have high blood pressure even though I don’t eat dead things or smoke, while avoidance of both would usually prolong life, apparently genetics has a massive influence.

While I’ve not actually had the results of my blood test (my blood was/is a lovely deep red colour), I must say that I’d assumed that my liver would be the first organ to display problems.

I shall now relax and drink beer.

Lost in France

Or, rather, Belgium. A fairly random decision led my second in command and I to Folkestone a few days ago. A day trip to Bruges was involved. A strike in France, with those taking industrial action driving up and down the motorway, resulted in a huge delay in our arrival in Bruges. And a shortened stay.

Fortunately, we found a very nice bar.


Where we had some very nice, local, beer.



Of course, such nice beer comes at a price. After missing our transport home, we explored options. A map was procured, from my second in command’s employer.


They drew a route to the station for us. The station wasn’t the best idea though, since trains would only get us as far as Dunkirk. Fortunately, my eldest daughter found us a better solution, via Ostend, the following day.

Arrangements were made while we rested in another bar. We then found a random, but excellent, hotel.


There are better pictures on my camera, but I’ve yet to extract them. Toothbrush and toothpaste were purchased (at a ridiculous price) and food sought. We then had some nice beer.


Until my second in command needed to sleep. After which I found a nice local bar, where I had one or two nice beers.


I soon left after the above hit me like a hammer, as warned by the barman. However, the lack of chemicals left me without a hangover the following morning. Which meant I was able to comprehend train times.


Yes, that’s me taking a picture of a rail timetable. We arrived safely in Ostend and, after some wandering, found our rescue point. Fortunately, there are street maps in Ostend.


And art. I’m adding this only because I liked it.


Ostend also has nice bars.


After a lengthy period of disinterest in travel, I’m now looking forward to our next excursion.


We found a hotel in Belgium. It has WiFi. A more comprehensive update may follow, but it’s a nice hotel and there is an internet connection. We weren’t supposed to be here, but a bad sense of direction, French striking farmers, and beer led us to stay in Belgium this evening. More will follow.