Category Archives: Work

Ye Olde Blue Bell

Continuing on from a few days with stops in Samuel Smith’s pubs, I felt compelled to visit Ye Olde Blue Bell after a work trip to Preston.

I only had time for a pint of stout before having to catch a train, but it was a most welcome break.

And, naturally, the train is delayed, so I could’ve had a second.

Early morning

Since public transport isn’t great at this time of day (6:30 train), and as it’s quite mild outside, I walked into town this morning.

Walking over the high level bridge, I could see my second in command’s new workplace. It doesn’t really work in a picture though.



While on a train from Birmingham this afternoon, I noticed some random rail (purposeful) graffiti


Ok, so a little I imagination is required. But it wasn’t me. After all, I’d have been more artistic.


I’m in Telford and it feels a bit weird. Weird because I used to spend a lot of time here. And because the town centre’s changed a lot. It’s still very much like Washington, but you can see that a lot of money’s been spent here recently. I mean, Asda has moved to the other side of the shopping centre.

Some things haven’t changed though; Wetherspoons is still the only pub. And it’s still signposted.



I came across this note in a Post Office window, in Sunderland, last weekend.


Quite shocking really. Last weekend also saw us attending zombie school for a second year. The actual event starts next weekend and we’ll probably be doing two or three nights. Lesson learned from last year, though, I won’t be doing two nights in a row. I couldn’t walk properly after two nights last year.

Speaking of zombies, while I dearly love Sam Smith pubs, I do recognise that they can attract a certain type of clientele. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with that, but it can put some people off. While in Preston a couple of days this week, I was seriously impressed by the work done on Ye Olde Blue Bell; it’s incredible how such a gorgeous building (and a Sam Smith’s pub) had been hiding behind the grotty render. I loved the old, dirty incarnation of the pub, but it’s now having the attention it deserves.


Time off

Work’s been pretty horrible the past few months. Well, maybe not horrible, but horribly busy. And it still is. Days have been long but weeks have passed so quickly. The end’s in sight though and I’ve now some leave, put off from a month ago. Things are still hassled and deadlines are close, but things have been arranged in the real world and, for a change, I’m not cancelling/delaying my time off again. I do feel strangely guilty, even though very capable people will be covering.

I’m also finishing early today; it’s Jeff’s last day before he embarks on a new life as a free retired man. Drinks in Chester-le-street this afternoon.

Next week’s busy too, but in a more pleasant, non-work, kind of way. And, the following week shall be spent finishing-off the bathroom. Also, possibly, in catching up with work email, currently standing at over 400 unread.

Ye Olde Blue Bell

Currently standing on the platform (3) in Preston station, waiting for a delayed train. I was booked on the three o’clock, but had to stay behind to do some work after the meeting.

I always try to be positive though. The pint of Samuel Smith’s extra stout, in the olde blue bell, was most enjoyable. The second was also quite nice.