Monthly Archives: May 2018

A morning in the shed

After last weekend’s pretence that the shed no longer existed, I’ve spent most of this morning working on the second wall. Most of the lower, inner wall is now in the garden.

And, in common with my experience of the first wall, last year, I’ve exposed a neighbour’s garden.

Time for some gardening before we take my mother to lunch.


We’re trying to build up our cycling distance, with more cycling and less beer.

And we’ve made a pretty decent step towards that goal today.

After picking up a delivery from Team Valley, we headed to Swalwell, cycling up the Derwent Walk to Rowlands Gill.

After stopping off to eat in Derwent Park, we cycled (mostly walked) up the beast that is Busty Bank. Close to death, we stopped at Burton House for a well earned beer rest.

And then it was mostly downhill until we fell into the Marquis of Granby.

Where we had a couple of beers before calling a cab cycling home.

We’re now doing some gardening.


I’m quite enjoying our drive to improve our (disgraceful) state of fitness.

Yesterday’s bike ride, while a little shorter than last week’s, was more stretching.

We cycled to the Schooner this time.

After food, we cycled across the Tyne to the Tyne Bar. Then to Arch 2 and the Cluny.

After a short bike ride into town, we stopped off for a rest at the Town Mouse.

And the Head of Steam.

And the Bridge Hotel.

There might also have been a nightcap in our local.

New glasses

A few weeks ago, I ordered new glasses. They’re made to order, so I expected to wait a few weeks.

I was surprised when they arrived early last week, sooner than I’d expected. On opening the package, I discovered why I’d received such an excellent service. The lenses hadn’t been fitted.

As instructed, I posted the frames direct to the lab the following day. And received them back today. Again, pretty good service.

Although the lenses appear to be for my reading prescription rather than the distance lenses I’d ordered. I’ve asked whether I should return the frames to the lab. And whether the second pair I’d subsequently ordered will have the correct lenses.

Things to do on a Bank Holiday

Sunny Bank Holidays are rare in the UK, so we should make the most of them and do stuff outdoors. Beer gardens. Yes, beer gardens are great on a sunny day.

So that’s what we decided to do today. So I decided to work in the shed again. I was perhaps a little overly optimistic yesterday when I said that the wall I’m now working on isn’t as bad as the last.

It’s not seriously damp, which is of course a good thing. But there were a couple of cave-ins today.

However, after several hours’ work the wall is now safe.

Looking pretty much as it did yesterday.

And, also as yesterday, I’m sitting in the garden with a couple of woodpigeons (one’s in the tree).